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MS Outlook 2000

1. Execute Microsoft OutLook, create a new account for accessing our internet mail server.

執行 Microsoft OutLook, 建立新電郵戶口.

2. Enter your name then Next.

輸入姓名, 之後按 Next.

3. Enter your email address then Next.

輸入電郵地址, 之後按 Next.

4. Incoming Mail Server type is IMAP, Please click here for Incoming & Outgoing Server Information

接收電郵伺服器種類為 IMAP, 請抬這裡查看接收及外寄電郵伺服器資料

5. Enter your user name and password, then Next.

輸入用戶名稱及密碼, 之後按 Next.

6. Select Internet Connection method, then Next.

選擇適合的連線方法, 之後按 Next.

7. Set up SSL mode for secure communication with the server.

Click email account . Then select ‘Property’.

為了保安理由, 請參照下列設定以SSL模式與伺服器連線. 點選電郵戶口 按 ‘內容’.

10. Select “Servers”. Enter Info as follows:

選 “Servers”, 請參照下列設定 :

Select “Advance”. Enter Info as follows:

選 “Advance”, 請參照下列設定 :

8. When finish the mail setting, Right Click account name, select “IMAP Folders…”

完成後,Right Click 帳號名稱,點選 “IMAP Folders…”  

9. Click the “Query” button to download a list of matching folders .

按 “Query” 下載適合的資料夾 .

10. Subscribe all folders, then click “OK”

選擇訂閱全部的資料,按 “OK”

11. Expand the mail account ‘’ , you may read mail from our internet mail server.

點選‘’ 的收件匣, 即可透過互聯綱閱覽閣下之電郵.

- The End -

howto/outlook2000.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/21 17:41 by gene